The TSM Automatic Material Selection Manifold is a key component in centralised feeding systems, which are advantageous in large-scale operations that involve multiple machines or materials.
Central feeding involves the pneumatic suction of bulk materials from material storage room (silos, bins, drying hoppers) to processing machines with a logical and optimized material flow far from the material storing room. This system also allows for dosing and mixing of materials, additives, colors on machines. Regrind of parts to be recycled can be done beside the machine or centrally. Belt conveyors, rotary tables, to box and pack the final product are also included.
To avoid operator mistakes on material selection, the manual solution can be updated with a decoding system, but the safer solution is installing an automatic material selection manifold. The automatic solution allows automatic distribution of all materials to the various receiving points without mistakes of selection. From the material selection table, all materials are distributed to the processing machines, each one fitted with its own pipeline connected to machine material receivers.
Optimized Raw Material Flow: Better logistics of material flow within the factory area results in a cleaner factory (no material on the floor, safer environment).
Space Efficiency: Reduced factory floor surfaces occupied by material bags beside machines or material treatment units, allowing better use of the floor surface for increased productivity.
Increased Productivity: Personnel are involved in more productive activities once the whole system is centralized and automated.
Energy and Cost Savings: Lower total installed power with one vacuum blower instead of many smaller units can reduce installed power by up to 50%. Less maintenance, concentrated mainly on the central filter and vacuum unit, instead of diluting it on all single loading units, leads to less maintenance time and costs.
Data Centralization: The possibility to integrate the material data consumption by automatic purchasing of material or programming maintenance operations.
Automatic selection of different materials to be distributed to various processing machines, guaranteeing the absolute absence of materials contamination.
The AMSM design allows for the positioning of the proper selected Material-Machine set using a Cartesian axes electro-pneumatic system.
It’s easy to install, has low power consumption, long-lasting life, requires low maintenance, and is easy to use.
Models available are: AMSM 15/15, AMSM 25/25, AMSM 35/35, AMSM 49/49 with diameters 40, 50, 60, 70, 76, 88.9 mm.
To learn more about our products or services, please contact us today. We would be happy to discuss your specific needs and help you to find the perfect solution for your application.