Opti-Batch Material Totalizer

TSM Control Systems Opti-Batch Material Totalizer is designed to produce accurate material blends by weight for off-line or less demanding applications. Each ingredient is contained in a separate material hopper clustered around a central weigh hopper.






The Opti-Batch Totalizer is designed to enable accurate measure of material throughput into a processing machine for recording or control of the amount of material being dispensed into an offline application – e.g., at the end of a recycling or compounding line.

Designed for Single or Multi Component Dosing, all components are accurately dispensed by weight based on the preset blend ratios on the touch screen electronic controller. Each component is metered separately into a single weigh hopper, which precisely measures and controls their rate. The material is then fed into the process machine.

  • Enables measurement of material usage on a processing machine over a set period of time

  • Enables Realtime measurement of running total of material usage on a processing machine

  • Enables measurement / metering of material output from a compounding / pelletizing lines over a set period of time

  • Stainless Steel Feeding Chamber Liner

  • Reinforced High Strength Blender Frame

  • Rapid achievement of Setpoint Target

  • Slide-valve metering gate, designed to accurately feed pelletized materials into the weigh hopper

  • Reservoir hopper with mounting for customer supplied loader

  • Gravity fed main component allows recipe changes u0022On the Flyu0022 and minimal waste

  • Quick removal of weigh hopper for easy cleaning and maintenance

  • Simple to operate electronic console and operator panel with internet connectivity

  • Easily exchangeable electronics module which is totally enclosed, compact, remote mounted color touchscreen (may be mounted up to 100m from blender)

Our Opti-Batch comes in 3 series, each with different capabilities depending on process requirement.  

  • Opti-Batch Mini  
  • Opti-Blend Compact 
  • Opti-Blend Large 

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